Commercial offices are organisations’ most energy-intensive assets
"40% of the world’s energy consumption comes from buildings. The more office space your organisation occupies, the greater the energy usage, leading to higher bills and a bigger carbon footprint.
40% of office energy consumption comes from ventilation. Improving the energy efficiency of your office spaces is critical, but difficult to solve because traditional ventilation systems are too inefficient and troublesome to replace."
Rensair's technology lets office buildings transform the energy efficiency of your commercial real estate without ripping and replacing your existing ventilation.
"We use patented hardware and software to hack the carbon out of your HVAC systems and ventilate based on occupancy levels, instantly lowering emissions and energy use whilst cleaning the air and making your office spaces healthier for your employees."
Make instant energy savings
Using Rensair, offices can instantly reduce HVAC energy consumption by >40%, lowering the overall use of your most energy-intensive assets by 15-25%, saving money on energy bills to bolster your bottom line.
"Our best-in-class hardware features connected devices discreetly deployed throughout your working office environment, backed by software that lets you manage air quality and energy output throughout the building."
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